
Here's some of my tips, tweaks and tuts, ranging from PHP, Linux, MySQL and more!

Snippets / Plesk

Outgoing Mail Treated as "local" Plesk

So I originally came across this problem with a PLESK server I was maintaining. For this example we can call it However, the MX records for are NOT set to the plesk server but to other external servers. (So there's no need for PLESK to handle mail) This's mail settings in PLESK were also disabled. If I tried to send a message to any * email address, nobody would receive an email.

The Reason

I found out eventually that it was because PLESK was treating as local (internal mail routing) so I needed to stop this occuring.

The solution

Edit the "locals" plesk file and then remove the reference.
vim /var/qmail/control/locals

Persisting Problems?

If the above solution is not successful it's most probably worth checking the following files for references.



12 years ago / Read More

Snippets / Plesk

Delete emails from email queue in PLESK

The GUI for PLESK's CMS is quite limited when you want to delete a large number of emails in one batch without crashing the website.

Through a linux command line you can filter and delete messages by either their email address, subject, from or to targets.

How to use qmHandle

qmHandle -h

Available parameters:
  -a       : try to send queued messages now (qmail must be running)
  -l       : list message queues
  -L       : list local message queue
  -R       : list remote message queue
  -s       : show some statistics
  -mN      : display message number N
  -dN      : delete message number N
  -fsender : delete message from sender
  -f're'   : delete message from senders matching regular expression re
  -Stext   : delete all messages that have/contain text as Subject
  -h're'   : delete all messages with headers matching regular expression re (case insensitive)
  -b're'   : delete all messages with body matching regular expression re (case insensitive)
  -H're'   : delete all messages with headers matching regular expression re (case sensitive)
  -B're'   : delete all messages with body matching regular expression re (case sensitive)
  -t're'   : flag messages with recipients in regular expression 're' for earlier retry
  -D       : delete all messages in the queue (local and remote)
  -V       : print program version

Additional (optional) parameters:
  -c       : display colored output
  -N       : list message numbers only
           (to be used either with -l, -L or -R)

Filter & Delete By Subject

qmHandle -S"Subject of Emails"

qmHandle Not installed?

There's a really helpful quick article about how to get this program working on your linux server - Support Facility Blog

13 years ago / Read More

Snippets / Plesk

Find PLESK email passwords

  • Knowledge Needed: Plesk Parrallels, MySQL, Linux
  • Snippet Length: 5 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy

It appears there is no incredibly obvious way inside PLESK to show email passwords. One way we can check is via MySQL

The database needed is "psa". Usually you won't have access to this database via PhpMyAdmin so you may need to login via ssh and access mysql directly.

Select the PLESK database

You will need a linux user account that will have access to view and select the psa table.

use psa;

Prepare the SELECT query

With the use of 2 "LEFT JOINS" we can get the information we need which are stored in 3 tables.

To make life a little easier a MySQL concatenation function will place the email user name and the domain together.

SELECT CONCAT(mail_name,"@",name) as email_address,accounts.password FROM mail 
LEFT JOIN domains on 
LEFT JOIN accounts on;

The Results

| email_address                      | password  |
|                   | passhere  | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Alternative method...

Edit: After being informed there is an easier way to do this I thought I would share this as @Dataforce was kind enough to pass this on via twitter.


This even shows the status' of the email accounts

13 years ago / Read More