
Here's some of my tips, tweaks and tuts, ranging from PHP, Linux, MySQL and more!

Snippets / About Me

Portfolio v2 work in progress

I can now confirm the 2nd version of my portfolio is under way. The scheduled release date is 1st September 2010.

13 years ago / Read More

Snippets / About Me

Back from 6 month trip!

After a fantastic trip I can now confirm that I'm back in the country as of 23rd July 2010.

14 years ago / Read More

Snippets / About Me

South America Trip February!

I'm off to South America for 6 months in february! hoping to see Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador & finally Bardados! I'll be leaving on the 4th of feb, wish me luck!

14 years ago / Read More

Snippets / About Me

Portfolio v1.0 goes live!

I am proud to announce my portfolio is now up and running. As of 28th of July it goes live. I shall using this hosting service as a temporary measure until a new domain & hosting is purchased. Thanks to Freehostia who are providing both a temp domain name and free reliable hosting. As soon as the new domain is live I shall update the site!

15 years ago / Read More