Here's some of my tips, tweaks and tuts, ranging from PHP, Linux, MySQL and more!
Snippets / MySQL
Exclude "The", "An" & "A" from MYSQL Ordered list
The aim was to display results from my database in alphabetical order and not having words such "an" or "the" to impact on the alphabetical order (similar to iTunes album order).
So for example
The Doors would be displayed in the "D" artists
A Solution (Slow one)
One way of doing this I thought we could trim the appending name of the artist if it matched any preset criteria. This solution is a temporary one until I find a quicker method!
SELECT artist_name FROM artists ORDER BY TRIM( LEADING "A " FROM TRIM( LEADING "An " FROM TRIM( LEADING "The " FROM LOWER( artist_name ) ) ) ) LIMIT 30
A Problem
When getting the results, the query does seem to take a little while
100 rows in set (0.29 sec)
13 years ago / Read More
Snippets / MySQL
Delete Duplicate Rows in MySQL
Over time tables can contain duplicate entries, one of the main reasons is the system inserting the data is either not preparing it correctly, or not checking against existing records.
The Statement
Before you run the query make sure you backup the table as it will remove data, an extra check you could always do a SELECT query instead of DELETE.
DELETE FROM table1 USING table1, table1 AS vtable WHERE > AND table1.field_name = vtable.field_name
13 years ago / Read More
Snippets / MySQL
Backup all MySQL databases into seperate files with crontab
It's highly recommended to keep a backup of all your data and with the following script you can setup an automated task to create a weekly backup of your data without having to manually run it; with linux!
The Shell Script ""
Next Step Add to Crontab
In order for the script that we have created to be executed automatically we need to add this to the crontab task scheduler.
View existing crontab scheduled tasks
crontab -l
Edit the crontabs
crontab -e
Normally you specify the exact minute, hour, day, week, month with the either with an asteric character * (which means every) or a numeric character (which represents moments in time
The crontab also has special keywords which are predfined values
string meaning ------ ------- @reboot Run once, at startup. @yearly Run once a year, "0 0 1 1 *". @annually (same as @yearly) @monthly Run once a month, "0 0 1 * *". @weekly Run once a week, "0 0 * * 0". @daily Run once a day, "0 0 * * *". @midnight (same as @daily) @hourly Run once an hour, "0 * * * *". @daily
Add the backup script to the crontab
@weekly /path/to/
13 years ago / Read More
Snippets / MySQL
Filter results by todays date - MySQL
MySQL is a very powerful open source database and there was no suprise when I found there was a way to retrieve records from a database that expired at @ 11.59 of the "end_date" field. You can alternatively do this via php date() function as well.
The Solution
The Query
SELECT id, title FROM meetings WHERE start_date < NOW() AND end_date > DATE(NOW()) ORDER BY id DESC
13 years ago / Read More