Outgoing Mail Treated as "local" Plesk

Published: 12 years ago

So I originally came across this problem with a PLESK server I was maintaining. For this example we can call it domain.com. However, the MX records for domain.com are NOT set to the plesk server but to other external servers. (So there's no need for PLESK to handle mail) This domain.com's mail settings in PLESK were also disabled. If I tried to send a message to any *@domain.com email address, nobody would receive an email.

The Reason

I found out eventually that it was because PLESK was treating domain.com as local (internal mail routing) so I needed to stop this occuring.

The solution

Edit the "locals" plesk file and then remove the domain.com reference.
vim /var/qmail/control/locals

Persisting Problems?

If the above solution is not successful it's most probably worth checking the following files for domain.com references.



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